

O chão é mácula de pecados refeitos,

A tentativa subtil de juntar os pedaços

Que escorregam e nos caem dos braços

Manchando de dor os ladrilhos baços

No compasso do relógio que abranda

Só para nos ver dobrar e quebrar,

Largar a vida rasgada para ser pisada

Mais fundo que o nosso fundo não há.

O chão é berço de um bom nascimento

Mas também o caixão de uma má morte

E não há quem não tenha essa sorte,

Dá-me a tua mão, dou-te a minha mão

Que no peito são intestinos, não coração

E toda a porcaria que lavámos na vida

Está afinal escondida bem dentro da pele

Tão à vista que cega a vista e não vemos.

O chão é refúgio para qualquer alma,

Melhor amigo que o nosso melhor amigo

Está sempre lá quando nós caímos,

Ampara o corpo com a dureza da verdade

Recebe tudo da impureza à castidade

Não nos empurra para cima até ser tempo

Que o desespero é cálido por um momento

E mentira que ergue é mentira que derruba.

O chão é promessa de nós dois juntos

Certa e segura como caminharmos na ruína,

A base e o sustento, e o leito do desalento

Trémula firmeza quando nos derramamos

Somente carne e ossos, e lágrimas e sangue,

E sonhos pejados da imundice do vício,

Memórias violadas pela independência,

Arrependimento, desilusão e decadência.

Raquel Martinez Neves


The Pearl Necklace

The Pearl Necklace

It felt like I was waking up in your arms

But you wasn’t there to feel

The knowledge of you surround me

Neither warm, nor cold

And yet I remember your touch

Your hands slipping on mines

Until I fell asleep

It felt like a broken promise you made

But you know I always forgive you

This poisoned love fills me

And your blood makes my heart beat

When you whisper in my ears

That you’ll never let me go

Until I die

It felt like a drug I have to stop taking

But you continue putting it in my hands

You open sweetly my mouth

And you gave it to me with your lips

Nothing looks so right by then

When you took my body as yours

Until I couldn’t breath

It felt like I’ve crossed the limit of pain

And everything was bright and shinning

However I can’t forget the looking glass

Reflecting how you marked me as yours

But then you begged me to be apologized

Saying that you’ll always love me

Until the end

It felt like everything changed that night

When you came and kissed me deeply

And gave me that pearl necklace

I thought you would stop hurt me

When you put it gently in my neck

But then I saw the anger in your eyes

Until you killed me

Raquel Martinez Neves

Suspended, part 3


The Housekeeper

The Housekeeper

The windows are closed under the storm

But the scratch in the wood keeps going on

The doors are locked and locked again

And she’s so afraid that she can’t stand

The wind screams into the fireplace

No wonder she couldn’t hear me there

The cot swing and swing slowly into the noise

But I can’t see myself in the white sheets

The photographs tremble in the walls

As the stairs creak under my soft steps

I saw her pale and anxious by the kitchen

She was washing my yellow dress by then

I remember how she smiled forcibly

When she gave me a good night kiss

Sorry I couldn’t avoid crying loudly

Your lips aren’t warm as the mommy’s

But I’m here to apologize myself to you

Don’t be scared when the thunder blow up

There’s just the two of us in the silent house

Can’t you hear me coming in to you?

I want to call your name, make you look at me

But I found out that I don’t know your name

You’re a stranger walking around in my house

Sorry if I make you lost your patience tonight

So I grab the tissue of your skirt in my hand

And you turn around terrified but don’t see me

Then the lightning lighted up the window glass

But there’s any reflex, ‘cause I think you killed me

Raquel Martinez Neves

Suspended, part 2
