

I swear for no more
Do you believe me?
Of course not
We are liars
We can’t say the truth

There is no truth

Why not broke a promise?
Why not broke a life?
What’s for?
Live, die

Fall it’s not a choice

We could have everything
But we waste it
It sounds better that way
We chose it

What a lie!

It has no meaning
Worlds don’t make sense
Tears are just water
The globe is covered with it
Isn’t it?

Salt is not sorrow

I hate this dream
It only can be a dream
A nightmare more precisely
Never the reality
Who would choose hell?

We do!

I want stop
No more, never again
I need some love
Lies! Lies!
Will we ever fix it?

I don’t think so

I would like to forget it
How far can we go…?
But we still here
Blinds and… just blinds
Where is the light?

Our eyes live in the darkness

So what?
Few more worlds
Few more lies
One tear in the sea
Would change anything?

By Butterfly