A little bit

A Little Bit

A little bit insane
Who knows?
A little bit mad
What’s wrong?
A little bit lost
Can you find me?

Nothing to say
Nothing to do
A little bit anxious
A little bit you

Nothing’s the same
But nothing change
Alone in the dark
With a little bit of light

A little bit boring
A little bit tired
Of what?
A little bit lost
Can you find me?

I promise don’t do
But is so empty without
Have no sense
A little bit strange

Do you understand?
It’s a little bit confuse
‘Cause it’s when I stop
That I’m a little bit messy

A little bit crazy
Who doesn’t?
A little bit lunatic
What can I do?
A little bit lost
Please, find me

By Butterfly



Someday you’ll say
That everything were in vain
That every breath
Was just an addiction to life
That every world
Was a lie inside the truth
That every moment
Was a paper memory
Write on a body
Lost in a mind

Someday you’ll say
That time didn’t matter
That you were living an illusion
With white sky and blue clouds
That you thought is was a dream
But it was a nightmare
That there’s no magic
No paper flowers
No sparkles
In empty eyes

You’ll get tired of say
That everything is okay
And someday
You’ll realize
That you won’t wake up
To see
Another day

By Butterfly

Up side down

Up Side Down

I woke up at night
I’d sleep during the day
I hope that way
It looks more okay

Nothing makes sense
The things are not like they should be
Fake smiles together
True tears apart
My heart is insane
And I lost my mind

Explain it to me
I’m not blind but I can’t see
Maybe I’m just wrong
Isn’t the world up side down?

I can’t put together
The stars of my sky
They’re like the sun and the moon
And I a messy butterfly
Don’t know why
My heaven fall on the ground

Explain it to me
I’m not blind but I can’t see
No matter where I look
It always the same
Everything is up side down

I tried to find a way out
The magic word to put the things
Like they should be
But I couldn’t
The sun still rising at night
And the moon at the morning

Explain it to me
I’m not blind but I can’t see
All the truths are lies
And the dreams are nightmares
Isn’t the world up side down?

Isn’t my life up side down?
Isn’t the earth up side down?
Isn’t the mankind up side down?

Maybe are we the ones who are
Up side down

By Butterfly

I'm not broken

I’m Not Broken

They say I’m sad
They believe I can’t love
There’s a lie

When the tears fall down
When the eyes were blind
I’m not broken
When I can’t smile
When there’re no colours in the world
I’m still not broken

They see me worn in black
The thought my soul is dark
It’s a mistake

There’s life in sadness
Bright in the shadows
And I’m not broken
Tears are water
Black is just a colour
I’m not broken

They cannot understand the silence
The sweet mystery of solitude
The perfect harmony

Sometimes laughing with no reason
Others crying to insanity
But I’m not broken
All the pieces of a heart
Can be put back together
I’m not broken

They think I’m lost
Lying forever on the ground
They’re wrong

Who falls, can stand up again
We only need to keep breathing
So I’m not broken
I can clean up my tears
Let the light come in
I’m not broken

Can you realize?
The doubt in their lies
Just open up your eyes

In silence or screaming
With dark or coloured soul
I’m not broken
Crying or bleeding
My heart keeps beating
I’m not broken

By Butterfly



Eu não pedi nada disto
Não queria
Não precisava
Mas disse que sim
Convenci-me que sim
Como estava enganada…

Queria silêncio
Queria sentir-me quente
Um pouco de carinho chegava
Um pouco de preocupação
Saber que mais alguém se interessa
Que o meu nada
É importante para alguém
Que a minha felicidade
Seria a felicidade de alguém
Mas não...
Os sorrisos são bem-vindos
Somente porque ficam bem
E as lágrimas desprezadas
Não porque magoam
Mas porque borram a pintura

Eu não quis isto
Nada disto
Mas ninguém percebe
Que não era a minha vontade
Que só o desejei
Porque estava certo
Como estava enganada…

Queria apagar palavras
Mas mais queria apagar pessoas
E a forma como elas me fazem sentir
Queria fazê-lo tudo de novo
Deitar fora o que é fútil
Ignorar quem não é importante
Queria também não ter de o fazer
Queria que percebessem
Mas não se ensina ninguém a amar
A me amar…
Antes ser invisível
Às vezes sinto que não mudaria grande coisa
Talvez apagasse o esforço
Para que alguém olhasse para mim
Para que realmente me ouvisse

Nunca sonhei com nada disto
Jamais o desejei verdadeiramente
Fora uma ilusão cruel
Julgara que precisava disto
Como estava enganada…

By Butterfly

No fim da estrada

No Fim da Estrada

Procura-me na estrada mais longínqua,
Chama-me o mais alto que puderes,
Se gritares com o coração
Talvez seja capaz de te ouvir…
Eu estou esperando por ti
Algures na infinita berma de alcatrão
Negra como a minha alma.
Apenas tens de me encontrar,
De me tomares nos teus braços,
Susteres meu rosto nas tuas mãos
E beijares com esses lábios de veludo
A acidez das minhas lágrimas…
É simples, basta que me sorrias.
Encontrar-me-ás no fim do mundo,
Lá chegarás seguindo a estrada da vida
Que começa exactamente à tua frente.
Eu perdi-me um dia, há muito tempo,
Mas tu verás o trilho dos meus passos
E ouviras a agonia do meu choro.
Trarás o brilho do Sol e das estrelas
Até ao reino da escuridão.
Encontrar-me-ás, salvar-me-ás,
E com um olhar doce como o mel,
Tu amar-me-ás
No fim da estrada mais longínqua.

By Butterfly

Say something

Say something

Say something
But say something pretty
Something that makes me smile
Say anything
It doesn’t matter
Just set free my lips
And they’ll show you
How happy is my heart

Whisper sweet words to me
Or you could even
Scream them to the world
It’s not important
Since I can hear them
Since I can feel them
Just say something

Say it
But say it now
I swear I wanna hear
Your voice
And I promise you’ll see
My smile
Just don’t let the silence win
Speak to me

Say something
The first thing you remember
But be amorous
And don’t say it louder
So then you can hear
The sound of happiness
Beating in my heart
And calling your name

Give me your words
Or a kiss of sugar
But say something
No matter what
Don’t let this smile die
Make me laugh
Say something

By Butterfly

God, you left me

God, you left me


This message is for you
I swear it is true
Lying here in the ground
I wrote it in blood
With pieces of heart

God, you left me

God, you left me
Falling down
God, you left me
I don’t know how

God, you left me
Drop my tears
God, you left me
Hide my fears

God, you left me
Here at night
God, you left me
Broken inside
God, you left me
So in the dark

God, you left me
Falling down
God, you left me
I don’t know how

God, you left me

God, you left me
God, you left me
Falling down
God, you left me

And I hope you’re listening
These words
‘Cause they will be the last ones
I’ve ever said

By Butterfly

O Reflexo

O Reflexo

O espelho
Que um dia alguém quebrou,
O reflexo
Que na sua herança ficou.

Nasceu o Sol dezasseis Primaveras
Brilhou a Lua sobre a pedra tumular
Esbateram-se as memórias
Secaram as lágrimas no seu olhar.
Mudou o Mundo
Cresceu a flor
Ficou a eterna saudade
E o incondicional amor.

Ele chorou à noite,
Forçou sorrisos de madrugada,
Estancou a ferida
E ergueu imperturbável fachada.
Mas sonhava com ela
Perdido na sua solidão,
Fugindo do passado,
Preso pelo seu torturado coração.

Ela abriu as asas de criança
E transformou-se numa mulher,
Olhos cor de água,
Beleza de malmequer.
Tinha a mesma pele de cetim,
Cabelos negros de escuridão
E os suaves lábios rosa
Da sua morta paixão.

Naquela tarde que o destino traçou
Ele julgara estar a delirar,
A menina encarnara seus desejos
E vivia para o amar.
Com a filha do seu coração,
Ele cedeu aos caprichos da saudade,
Ela era a sua vida,
A salvação da insanidade.

Mas quis o Mundo condenar
O “felizes para sempre”,
Ela era somente um reflexo
Nascido do amado ventre.
Não bastava o sentimento,
A herança de amor,
Assombrava-os o passado
E as memórias de dor.

E como termia uma história
Em que o destino deseja a morte?
Ele sacrificava-se por ela
E ela sangrava com o corte.
Ofereceria ao mar sua vida
Quando a salvou sua paixão,
Mas lutar por uma causa perdida
É o fim de qualquer coração.

O espelho
Que se quebrou novamente,
O reflexo
Que se apagou eternamente.

By Butterfly
Baseado n’ “O Reflexo”



You don’t know what I’m saying
You can’t even imagine what I feel
I feel sick
I want to sleep a week
A month maybe
Or better
I want sleep in the day
And wake up at night
To be here
Because these words, are the only ones
Who give some sense to my life
And you probably don’t understand it
You don’t care
I’m cold do you know?
Maybe frozen it’s the right word
But there are no right words
And I’m so sick
That for me,
They are all wrong
They don’t make any sense
Are empty,
Like someone has stolen their meaning
But certainly
It’s my problem
I’m sick
And there is no disease
No cure
And you can not understand me
I don’t even know if you hearing what I say
Can you see my lips moving?
The words I scream
In a whisper
Because my voice is weak too
And some day,
I won’t have voice to say your name
To call you
But who cares?
You don’t
I know it since your eyes left mines
And your hands stop holding me
I realize at this time, that it was the end
And the begin
Of my sickness
Can you understand you’re the reason?
For you I didn’t sleep
I didn’t eat
I almost didn’t breathe
Do you know that you’re my cure?
I know you know
But you don’t even want to save me
And I can’t control your words anymore
You’re free like you always wanted to be
I still depend on you
Your blood belongs to me
Your feelings are mines
And without you
I’ll be forever

By Butterfly



Sentes as lágrimas?
O aperto no peito
A vontade de chorar?
Vês o erro diante dos teus olhos
Tão nítido
Tão óbvio
Como se sempre soubesses
Como se fosse proibido

Sentes a angustia?
A raiva contida
A vontade de partir algo?
Vês como ignorante foste
Quando sabias tão bem
Quando jamais podias

Sentes o tormento?
A culpa
A vontade de te magoares?
Vês a ambição como algo impossível
E estava tão próxima
Bastava não

Sentes a frustração?
O arrependimento
A vontade de voltar atrás?
Vês no perfeccionismo uma maldição
Que te obriga à auto-punição
Simplesmente por

By Butterfly

Empty people

Gente Vazia

Singulares, repetidos
Talvez sem significado
Livres, forçados
Sinceras, desconcentradas
Talvez mesmo um engano
Uma mentira
Espontâneos, obrigados

Rosto de olhos sem brilho
Onde escondeste tua personalidade?
No vazio da tua alma
Morrera a originalidade

Fachada polida
Que esconde um negro fosso
Máscara de ilusão
Que sufoca o coração
Diz-me, fantoche,
Como cortar tuas cortas
E iluminar tua vida?

Rosto de olhos sem brilho
Onde escondeste tua personalidade?
Pela voz de outros
Ficara eternamente aprisionada

Boneco de série
Soldado da sociedade
De gestos manipulados
E palavras controladas
Diz-me, marioneta,
Como libertar teu coração
E gritar a tua opinião?

Rosto de olhos sem brilho
Onde escondeste tua personalidade?
Tua alma é vazia
E irreal tua felicidade

É o Mundo?
É a Humanidade?
Quem permitiu a existência
De tamanha futilidade?
São as pessoas?
É a sociedade?
Quem sugou as cores da vida
E deixou a escuridão
A ilusão
E Gente Vazia?

By Butterfly

Who’s mad with who?

Who’s mad with who?

Say I did wrong
And I would say
You did even worse

Say I shouldn’t act this way
But have you think
You couldn’t do better?

Say you’re mad with me
And I would say
I’m mad with you too

Words I didn’t tell you
Fake smiles
False laughs
Hidden tears you should see
‘Cause every time you ask
“Are you okay?”
I believe the answer
Isn’t what I say

Say I should be there
But in fact
Did you try to wait for me?

Say I should have said sorry
But have you ever
Give me the chance to say it?

Say you’re mad with me
And I would say
I’m mad with you too

The truth inside my words
Fake smiles
False laughs
So easier to see…
‘Cause there was times you didn’t ask
“Are you okay?”
And I believe you didn’t wanna hear
What I would say

Say you get hurt
Boring or mad
But I’ve cared more than you’ve thought
I say I get hurt too
Boring and mad
Who’s mad with who?

By Butterfly



São como cordas
Algemas sem chave
Um beco sem saída
Ou uma porta fechada
Algo que nos prende
Nos arrasta par’ aquela direcção
E nos nega outra opção

São como grades numa janela
Que nos impedem de voar
Um cadeado
Uma fechadura
Uma vida trancada
Enigma sem solução
Um não à liberdade
Um sim à prisão

São como um vício
Do qual não podemos fugir
Mãos que nos agarram
Vozes que nos chamam
Almas que nos enganam
E nos prendem o coração
Envenenam a mente
Proíbem a paixão

São como um labirinto
Onde andamos em círculos
As lágrimas sucedem os sorrisos
Como a Lua sucede o Sol
Num ciclo sem fim
E sem saída
Cuja porta trancada
Vislumbramos na alvorada

São como mentiras
Promessas irreais
Em palavras vazias de verdade
Com forma de algemas
Que te afastam dos sonhos
Com correntes de pesadelos
Para que percas a razão
E caias nesta ilusão

São como a prisão
Onde trancaram o meu coração
Para o corpo não poder fugir
Chamaram-lhe amor
Mas a fechadura era de medos
E as grades de dor
A escuridão matou a inocência
E ficou a dependência

By Butterfly

Tears, again

Lágrimas, outra vez

Será que algum dia vão parar?
Receio bem que não…
Se fossem doces
Acabariam com a seca no mundo
Mas são salgadas
Não, são ácidas
E dolorosas
E não têm fim
Vêm do fundo do poço em que caí
Onde me afogo
Onde o ar é consumido por mágoa
E transformado em lágrimas
Quanto tempo levará
Até morrer sufocada?
Já sinto dificuldade em respirar
Dói-me o coração
A cabeça não
Está demasiado vazia para doer
Faltam-lhe memórias
Palavras doces
Que desbotaram com as lágrimas
E a sua negra tinta
Fluiu de meus olhos
Manchando a minha pele
De saudade
E então
Elas pararam
Mas por agora
Sei que voltarão
Para me roubarem outro pedaço
Do meu coração
E fugirem
Rolarem de meu olhar
Belas e traiçoeiras
Límpidas e negras
Senhoras da tristeza
Pérolas de mágoa
Palavras silenciosas
Pedidos de ajuda
Dor materializada
Quando parar de chorar
É porque me afoguei
Em lágrimas

By Butterfly



I would like to see you smile
Would love to see your eyes sparkling

I wished you never cry
But you tears keep falling
I would like to understand them
Know all the reasons
Why my wish didn’t come true?

I wished melt your heart
But it keeps frozen
Your skin so cold
And your eyes deeply closed
Why my wish didn’t come true?

I wished hear your voice
Whispering in my ears
But you’re so distant
And your voice so indifferent
Why my wish didn’t come true?

I wished feel your hand
Smoothly holding mine
And your lips kissing me
But you don’t even touch me
Why my wish didn’t come true?

I would like to see your smile
Would love to see your eyes sparkling

I wished hear your breath
Your words in silence
With no questions to answer
But they keep follow me
Why my wish didn’t come true?

I wished to touch your soul
See the truth inside your eyes
But I can’t found it
My heart was too afraid with you
Why my wish didn’t come true?

I wished to be free
Show myself to you
With nothing to hide
But I keep living in a secret
Why my wish didn’t come true?

I wished to smile
And I always wished to see your smile
I wished to shine with you
And I wished it too
Why our wish didn’t come true?

By Butterfly
(Based in “Lágrimas de Olhos Negros” – Aryana & Eric)




Wait for one second
Or wait for a life
Wait for the good
Wait for the bad
‘Cause you never know
What’re you waiting for…

Can you wait a minute?
You can wait an hour too
In silence, maybe alone
Or with the world around you
You wait
But never know what’s for…

Can you feel the eyes on you?
The words whispered so far away
The empty space
The strange faces
That’s why you’ve waited?
No, that’s how you wait…

Did the time pass slowly?
Did the clock stop?
If you’re waiting
You can wait forever
‘Cause when it comes
You don’t know that’s why you’re waiting for…

By Butterfly


Destined to go wrong

Destined to go wrong

They fall
Even when my eyes are dry
They keep falling
Deep inside
They fall with me
But painful

When it stops
For just a second
And I close my eyes
It seams so clear
So real
And they come again
To drown my soul

Was so unfair
Be the only one
So hard to believe
What I have done?
Nothing I guess
But somewhere
Someone disagree

And they fall
My heart gets tight
My face wet in colours
A salty pain
That broke my smile
I’m always the one who cry

How is to feel
The perfection turns to a lie
See them
Give up the fight
Left you behind
And no matter the tears
You have to forgive

And laying on the floor
It’s hard to forget
The disillusion
The disappointment
The injustice
‘Cause you always know
It was destined to go wrong

By Butterfly


Escrever lágrimas

Escrever lágrimas

Como é que se escreve lágrimas?
Não “lágrimas”
Mas lágrimas
Não a palavra
Mas o objecto
E lágrimas não são um objecto
São lágrimas
Mas como se escreve?
Não as letras
Mas a água, a dor, a tristeza
Não o L, o A, o G e o R
Não o I, o M, o A e o S
Como se escreve o sentimento?
Como se descreve a angustia?
Como se define o aperto no peito,
Os olhos molhados,
A sensação de sufoco,
O choro?
Como se escreve lágrimas?
Como dizer por escrito
Quando nem há palavras?
Porque se houvesse palavras
Não choravamos
Como se pode escrever “lágrimas”
Se lágrimas não se escreve?

By Butterfly




I wanna cry

Just cry

Only cry



Even nights

Cry until I have no more tears

Until I have an empty space in my chest

Cry until I can't breath

Until I can't remember why am I crying

I wanna cry
Release the tears

The pain

To forgive

To forget

Who let go

What they never get

Why life should be so hard?
If they're just fine, why must they change?

How could that love be so cold? What happen?
The Sun frozen it, didn't burn it

And I wanna cry

For now

Show to everybody

That it's wrong

Show them

How it hurts me

So where is the "together forever"?

The "friends forever"? The true friendship?
Was the distance so important?

Grow means say one thing and do the opposite?

So I wanna cry
In silence


And maybe one day

I'll wake up
And found that all of it

Has just change again

By Butterfly

To the ones who never read what I write




Words don’t matter
Are empty
Full of nothing
A way to explain
What can’t be explained
Just letters
In some special order
Symbols of something
That means anything
So why are so important?
How could they rule our life?
Change us
The way we fell
Make us cry
Or make us laugh
How could they?
Words are only words
A combination of letters
Written in a paper
They are
What we want
They mean
What we say
And they represent
What we thing
How could they turn
Against us?
How could they be
Above us?
How could they
Create and destroy
Form our control
If they’re just words?
Without meaning
Of something bigger
How could they?
Kill the hope
Or make us dream
Raise a smile
Or let us die
They’re simple words
But have the power
Of the humanity
They are the good
And the bad
They mean the heaven
And the hell
Are the world
In words

By Butterfly

Revolt's Poem

Revolt’s Poem

Whatever they say
Whatever the order
You won’t do it

Whatever they want
Whatever they require
You won’t give it

Even if they scream
Even if they threaten you
Doesn’t matter

You won’t be
What they want you to be

You won’t say
What they want you to say

You won’t do
What they want you to do

And you won’t think
What they want you to think

‘Cause you are you
Not them
Not what they want

‘Cause you are you
Born from them
But more than them

You’re what you are
Say what you think
And do what you want

Whatever they desire
Whatever they dream with
Will be always more than you

But what they really have
What they really raise
It’s just you

By Butterfly



No one cares
‘Cause no one hears you
You’re all alone
But you like it
The empty walls
The silence between them
The peace
No screams
No voices
Just your own
You and yourself
But when you cry
Won’t be anybody
To caught your tears
You’ll be drown in them
And then
You’ll wish someone
Other’s screams
That are not yours
And other’s voices
Whisper in your ears
Saying you to handle it
To don’t give up
But there’s just silence
Deep damn silence
And you keep falling
And in the dark of the night
You’ll smile
Because it was your choice
You wished
It was you who wanted
That loneliness
‘Cause you thought
It would be easier
When there is no one
To tell you what to do
To give you orders
To say what’s right
And what’s wrong
But now
In the end
When the silence smothers you
And the shiny empty walls
Make you cry
You realize you’re wrong
But it’s too late
You’re really all alone
You and yourself
You and your solitude
The only one
That will never leave you

By Butterfly